Στην Οδησσό έκαψαν ζωντανούς ανθρώπους, στο Ιράκ και τη Συρία αποκεφαλίζουν και σταυρώνουν, ο Ποροσένκο και ο Γιάσενιουκ βομβαρδίζουν νοσοκομεία, ρίχνουν βόμβες φωσφόρου στους αμάχους και εκτελούν τραυματίες. Αλλά ο άγγλος πούστης και η «σατανίστρια παναγία » του Χόλλυγουντ, μάζεψαν 1000 «καλούς ακτιβιστές» της «κοινωνίας των πολιτών», αλλά και «θρησκευτικούς ηγέτες» από 120 χώρες, για «να σταματήσουν τη σεξουαλική βία».
¨"For all the things we struggle to agree as nations, the abhorrence of sexual violence in conflict cannot be one of them. This Summit is just the beginning." From 10 to 13 June 2014 in London, government representatives from over 120 countries, over 1,000 experts, faith leaders, youth organisations and representatives of civil society and international organisations came together at the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict. http://ow.ly/London (CNN) --
Και ο καλός άνθρωπος ο Secretary of State John Kerry,
on Friday told an international summit on ending sexual violence in conflict that it was time for the world to banish the crime, "to the history books where it belongs."
"It's time for us in an age where we see enough of chaos, failed and failing states, to write a new norm, one that protects women, girls, men, boys, protects them from these unspeakable crimes"είπε.
Ένας κόσμος της επικοινωνίας ηθικός αγγελικά πλασμένος, για χαζούς τηλεθεατές για τα λαμόγια της «κοινωνίας των πολιτών», της πουστιάς και της πρέζας.
ΥΓ. Kerry's words came on the final day of the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict, hosted this week in London by UK Foreign Secretary William Hague and Hollywood star and U.N. special envoy Angelina Jolie. Kerry called on governments to end a culture of impunity for war-zone rape, for perpetrators to be held accountable and for victims to be supported, not ostracized by their communities. Representatives of more than 100 countries attended the summit, as well as hundreds of experts, survivors, faith leaders, and staffers from NGOs and international organizations. "This conference, the largest of its kind in history, is about forcing the world to stop looking away," said Kerry. "There is a real and critical role for governments to play in this fight." Kerry also had a message for those who say that sexual violence in war is too ingrained to be wiped out: Look at what has already been done by the "civilized world" when its conscience is stirred.
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